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FIIDS Report on Legal Immigrants AND Permanent Residency

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Executive Summary:

Excessive delays in the processing of permanent residency applications contributes to America’s loss of revenue, market leadership and competitive edge. The case of work-visa holders from India, clearly illustrates the nature, substance and details of the impediments to legal immigration in America. The Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS) identifies that the regulation governing “Country Cap” is the root cause of the problem and proposes potential solutions to encourage law makers address the issue. In its recommendations FIIDS recognizes the concerns about Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 raised by lawmakers and addresses them. FIIDS recommends US Senate to pass S.386 / HR.1044

Report: Click here for the policy report

Recommendations: To retain America’s competitive edge and to encourage immigration through legal means it is now time to revise outdated immigration laws to make room for the growth of new industries coming up on the American horizon. Legal provisions need to accommodate a merit-based approach by encouraging skilled expert immigrants to stay in the country and contribute to its economy.

We urge you support the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 in the US Senate as the first resounding step toward a resolution. FIIDS recommends the following immediate steps while a more comprehensive approach evolves:

1. Remove Country Cap for skilled immigrants on a work visa. Treat skills-based immigration as different from family-based immigration.

2. Disallow the counting of dependents of primary visa holders in the aggregate Country Cap count.

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