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Research & Reports

Research :

  • Islamic ISIS Atrocities Against Yezedi’s

  • Yezidis, an ethno-religious minority in Northern Iraq have suffered centuries of persecution due to the attacks from Muslim extremists in the middle east. They are currently undergoing a great genocide by the hands of ISIS who have occupied many parts of Syria and northern Iraq which includes the areas where Yezidis live. The previous genocides have pushed many of the yezidis to emigrate to European and North American nations. The current attack by ISIS if continued can lead to complete destruction and desolation of the Yezidi homeland in Iraq……. <More reading>
  • Threats of Bangladeshi Migration to  India (Assam)

  • India’s northeast has always remained critical from security and demographics perspective on India’s geopolitical canvas. All seven states in northeast India share borders with neighboring countries. Porous borders make them more vulnerable for illegal immigration. This issue was highlighted during riots in the Bodoland Territorial Autonomous Districts (BTAD) of Assam in July 2012……..<more reading>
  • Survey of Indo American Youths